None of your buyers are the same.
In fact, only 3% of your prospects are ready to buy after learning about you for the first time.
Your prospects can be defined in 1 of the 4 stages of The Buyer’s Journey based on their level of intent to purchase what you’re selling.
In this brief post, we’ll cover the 4 stages of The Buyer’s Journey and how to create content that can help you sell to all buyers, no matter what level of purchase intent.

The Basement Of The Buyer’s Journey
60% of your prospects are not interested in what you have to offer yet because they’re not aware of their need.
These are ‘passive prospects’ who could definitely benefit from what you offer, but because they haven’t discovered their need for your product or service, they’re not taking action.
Social media marketing is a great way to educate these prospects about their need and position your offer as the obvious solution.
Through short videos or blog posts, you can quickly describe the most common pain points that many of these prospects might be experiencing right now and then point to how these issues can be easily solved through what you offer.
The buyers in the basement of The Buyer’s Journey are some of the best prospects to drive into your marketing funnel because if you can be the resource that educates them about their need and how to meet it through your product or service, they’ll likely pick you first.

The Bottom Of The Buyer’s Journey
20% of your prospects might have been interested in what you sell at some point, but they’re not taking action to buy from you because they aren’t sure that you’re the best option for them.
These are the prospects that may have been interested enough to visit your website or give you a call to learn more about your product or service, but they’re still on the fence about buying because they need you to build more trust and credibility in your organization so they can be confident in their decision to work with you.
Case studies and testimonials are great pieces of content for these buyer prospects to review because it demonstrates how you’ve helped meet the needs of similar customers, while building trust and credibility in your brand.

The Middle Of The Buyer’s Journey
17% of your prospects hit the middle of The Buyer’s Journey when they’ve been to your website and they like what you’re offering, but they’re now gathering information about which organization can best meet their needs.
They know they want to buy what you offer, but they’re working on narrowing their list of options down.
Here is where content that can help your prospects make a decision is the most effective.
Things like product comparisons between you and your competition or buying guides are great content to use for these prospects because it further positions your company as a resource and shows your level of expertise in what buyers should be looking for when they’re getting ready to make their purchasing decision.

The Top Of The Buyer’s Journey
At the very top of The Buyer’s Journey are the 3% of prospects who are ready to buy, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re ready to buy from you.
Your prospects’ internal feelings of risk and uncertainty are some of the top reasons why they don’t buy, so by eliminating these feelings, you’ll be one step closer to a sale.
One of the best ways to separate yourself from the competition is creating a low-risk “try before you buy” offer that gives your prospects a sense of what it’s like to do business with you.
For example, things like trials, demos, samples, or any scaled-down version of your product or service are fantastic tools that can convert more the prospects at the top of The Buyer’s Journey into paying customers.

Next Steps
If you’re looking for support on your buyer’s journey marketing strategy, take advantage of a 30 minute complimentary strategy session (that’s sales-pitch free) with our team by clicking below.